
A bit is a special node, which provides a mean of interaction to the user. Currently, here are five kinds of bits. Start bits, end bits, input bits, title bits and task bits. Here you can find a short description of these bit types. If you want to see concrete bits, you can use the navigation.

Start Bits

The main purpose of a start bit is to be the first bit, which a user interacts with. There should only be one start bit per flow.

If you like to contribute a new start bit, you can go to the contribution guide

If you like to suggest a new start bit, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository.

If you like to discuss a new idea for a start bit or you need help, you can visit the Discord server.

End Bits

The main purpose of a end bit is to be the last bit, which a user interacts with. It could show a score or just a goodbye message.

If you like to contribute a new end bit, you can go to the contribution guide

If you like to suggest a new end bit, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository.

If you like to discuss a new idea for an end bit or you need help, you can visit the Discord server.

Input Bits

The main purpose of an input bit is to show a user some kind of content. It could be a visualization, a video, a picture or a text. This is especially useful for learning scenarios. For example, you want to show an explanation on how a for-loop works. Afterwards you would probably use a task bit to check whether the content was understood or not.

If you like to contribute a new input bit, you can go to the contribution guide

If you like to suggest a new input bit, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository.

If you like to discuss a new idea for an input bit or you need help, you can visit the Discord server.

Task Bits

The main purpose of a task bit is to assess the capabilities of a user. The answer of a user for a given task can be automatically be evaluated. But if your purpose is not to assess a user or the assessment more advanced, so that it can not be evaluated automatically, you can disable the automatic evaluation or set it to manual.

Additionally, to the automatic evaluation of answers, you can also set up feedback which will be shown to the user when certain criteria are met. These criteria depend on the task bit.

After an assessment you can also visualize the answer of all users.

You can also capture and replay all interactions of a user with a task (see capture and replay).

If you like to contribute a new task bit, you can go to the contribution guide

If you like to suggest a new task bit, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository.

If you like to discuss a new idea for a task bit or you need help, you can visit the Discord server.

Title Bits

The main purpose of a title bit is to show information about the flow. For example the name of the flow or the section which is about to begin.

If you like to contribute a new title bit, you can go to the contribution guide

If you like to suggest a new title bit, you can open an issue in the GitHub repository.

If you like to discuss a new idea for a title bit or you need help, you can visit the Discord server.